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Get Involved!

Below are brief descriptions of the various activities and committees in which the PTO will be involved in during the school year.  Please consider volunteering, and if interested, reach out to  It's easier than you think!  Ask a friend to join you and share an event as Co-Chairs. If you are not able to commit to chairing an event, we are happy to have any volunteer hours you can spare!

PTO Board Member - There are many positions that are constantly changing and needing new volunteers as our families move on to Grace Norton Rogers School. Being a Board member gives you opportunity to be involved in your child's school experience and gives you a nice connection with the teachers and staff as well as a great parent team!

Back to School Picnic - Volunteers set up, clean up and help serve food/run snack table. Evening event.

Book Fair (Fall/Spring) - Volunteers set up the books, help the students select and pay for books during their class time at the book fair. Daytime Event.

Box Tops for Education Coordinator - Volunteer coordinates collection of Box Tops, and mailing them to the organization.


We are still collecting Box Tops but there is a simpler way to get the credit for those box tops!

- Download the app and scan your receipt - the app does the rest! -

  • Clipping Box Tops: If you discover a traditional Box Tops clip on a product, you can still clip it and send it to school. Every valid Box Tops clip is still worth 10¢. Make sure each one you turn in has a clearly visible product acronym and expiration date.

  • No More Clipping: If you see a Box Tops label that says 'no more clipping' you can use the Box Top App to scan your receipt. The app will find participating products purchased at any store and instantly add to WCB PTO earnings online.

Visit Box Tops website for more information on how to use the Box Tops App to earn money for WCB!



for more information!

Staff Appreciation - Volunteers set up and serve at the event, and provide support as needed for the chairs.

Room Parents - Volunteers are needed to help in the classroom for parties and other activities, with direction by the teacher.

Head Room Parent - The head room parent works directly with the teacher to organize and run activities and parties in the classroom..

Assistant Room Parent - This volunteer assists the head room parent with the organization and running of classroom events.

McCaffrey's Receipts - Shop at McCaffrey's Food Market in West Windsor or Princeton! Then, submit your receipt within 3 months of purchase to the PTO dolphin mailbox located near the front entrance of the school or send it in with your child to give to their classroom teacher. WCB PTO earns 1% back of the total purchase (some exclusions apply). 

Mascot - Volunteer is available to wear the Dolphin mascot suit during various events and fundraisers.  Daytime and evening opportunities.  

School Pictures & Spring Pictures - Volunteers send out flyers and are available to organize the students on picture day.   Daytime event.

Spirit Wear - Coordinate purchasing, selling, and distribution of WCB-branded items.

Email Us:

Find us: 

371 Stockton Street, Hightstown, NJ 08520

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© 2019 WCB PTO    |   Proudly created with

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