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Support our School year round by participating in these fundraisers!​


  • Box Tops for Education - Clip the coupon off participating General Mills products and send them in with your child. In order to help collect bonus Box Tops, please see the *free* ShopRite For My School program - all you need to do is enter your Price Plus number and the rest is automatic. Also, please check out the Box Tops App for even more bonus box tops! (Please always clip Box Tops from products and send them in - the bonus Box Top programs are in addition to clipping Box Tops.)


  • McCaffrey's - Send your grocery receipts in to dolphin mailbox and the PTO receives 1% of your purchases.


  • Empties 4 Cash (Printer Ink Recycling) - Send in your used ink jet cartridges and the PTO receives up to $4/cartridge!  Please use a zip-lock bag to prevent leaks.  Collection box is in the front office.


  • - A search engine that gives a penny per search to our school!  You use it just as you would any search engine, and its powered by Yahoo!, so you get great results.  Just be sure to enter Walter C. Black as the charity you want to support.  500 of us searching four times a day will raise about $7300 in a year without anyone spending a dime!  And, be sure to spread the word!


  • Dolphin Donation Program - The PTO realizes that not everyone needs or finds something to purchase in our fundraisers.  There is another way to support your child's school.  Simply write a check to the WCB PTO or process a donation via PayPal (Donate link below). These funds go to expenditures that are not covered by the school budget but are beneficial to all of our children by providing them with educationally enriching programs.  There is a link below for an online donation.  

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